Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why being good is hard but worth it.

Ok In this world I have always been something of an enigma to everyone else but that's because I believe I have a unique outlook on life.

In this world you are taught to follow these rules of conduct in everything that you do from business to romance to everything else really but it's funny and can be disillusioning to see people get ahead by doing the wrong thing and nasty things but that doesn't mean u have become a nasty person get ahead but it does mean that u must be willing to break to the rules and stand against the grain and normal stand conventions if you want to live strong, free and righteous life.

See the funny thing about society currently is that while there is a façade of civility deep down underneath it all the system is set up so that nasty people can win now when I mean system I mean the rules of society so in order to be nice and win you have to break the rules which takes strength and determination to do but once you set yourself free you will see what I am talking about.

So how do you set yourself free? Well I can't really give you specific advice but I can give you some guidelines and while yes some of these will sound sappy but you know what it doesn't matter.

1. Always follow your heart

Never try to change yourself for anyone else or for another group, don't do anything you don't want to do and never do anything because you feel you are forced to because that's what your social circle wants. This is one of the ways of breaking the rules, rules that bind your mind and your potential from being who your meant to be.

If your friends don't accept you for who you are then they really aren't your friends and it's time to go get new ones and trust me you will find them.

2. Don't be afraid to be a leader

Never be afraid to move your life or yourself in another direction. If you know what you want to do then go do it. Don't listen to people who tell you that you aren't good enough to achieve your dreams or your not good enough to date that girl.

You have a right to enjoy everything that life has to offer and to shape it to be what and nobody has the right to dictate to you who you should date and what you should do with your life and how you should dress. Being a leader means being able to venture forth into new things that others don't have the courage to and yes you have it in your capacity to be a leader.

3. Don't take crap from people

This is a very important point. Now while being nice is a good thing(well no it's great) you must learn not to be a pushover in life. If you want to be truly happy you need to feel strong and powerful in your life(don't get a big head though) and you can't be free and happy if people are pushing you around so my advice is to go take some martial arts if your a timid person (karate is really good) so you can develop that fighting spirit that you will need to carry you through the trials and tribulations that is life.

4. Stay healthy and strong

This is a very important point because it's hard to stay positive when you feel like crap. Now while I am not going to try and push on you any diet or particular training method cause everyone is different it is very important that you treat you body like a temple so it will carry you through the hard times. To this end a good amount of proper exercise and drinking enough water and eating enough fruits and vegetables is essential to staying healthy and providing your body with everything that it needs and pointing on muscle is never a bad thing.

5. Study books on strategy

Now while this might be a weird point to come across the study of strategy is an essential component to living a free life because you need to be able to think of plans to achieve your life objectives so it is imperative that you learn how to think strategically now while there are lots of books on the subject there are two main ones that I reread and are known and respected world wide. These are the art of war and the book of five rings.

Now while the art of war is a book on military warfare it's teaching are just as relevant to everything else in life and that is the reason it is studied by people from all walks of life including business people.

Now unless you have studied asian culture before it might seem very different for you but rest assured that this simple, short and easy to read book has golden principles in it that you will use well throughout your whole life so my advice is to read it

Now while I love anything to do with samurai's and ninjas there is a particular reason that not only I like but that is a very renowned book read by even non martial artists. That is because of the scientific that that it look at swordsmanship but that also applies to life.

There is one section that I really like that is in the Earth Scroll(A section in the book) that is called "Likening the Science of Martial Art to Carpentry" and the way of thinking presented should be how you apply yourself to the things you want to achieve in your life so I can't stress enough how this little cheap book is so useful.

Anyway to conclude I would just like to say that it is possible to still win in life and be nice you just have to be smart about it so never give up and always don't take crap from no one unless it's suits your purposes of course.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Power Quest has the power!!!

Hi everyone. I recently came across another band called Power Quest who are simply awesome. Can't get enough of this power metal but this stuff is awesome and kickass to.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Grey Knights

I love this video it's simply awesome.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Power Metal in Melbourne at the Esplanade was freaking awesome

Hi everyone,

I was at the The Esplanade Hotel last night to see my favourite Australian power metal band Black Majesty playing live and even though the schedule at the place was way off it was still freaking awesome. An awesome night with my awesome mates listening to some of the best power metal Australia has to offer. Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie Oi Oi Oi!!!.

If you love power metal and u live in melbourne then you should''ve been there. Shame on u if you weren't lol.

But seriously they were freaking awesome and it was so awesome just to be able to listen to the music live. Sort of motivates me to keep practising

Thursday, April 7, 2011

An interesting video on how the education system makes us think like sheep on a production line to the slaughter

Hi everyone,

Now while this isn't really relevant to self-help or to the metal stuff it is something I found while perusing the web and checking out the website which is an education advocacy group that basically promote further education for people and help with funding and that sort of thing so if your looking to further your education you should check them out.

Any ways this video actually reflects a lot of my views and also pointed out something about the education system is designed to mass produce mindless drones instead of allowing people to develop creativity, a positive attitude and free thought. Anyways watch this vid cause it's revolutionary: