Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Importance of Choosing Your Friends

Hi everyone.

It's been a long time since I have written a post. Now I have had a lot going on but recently I went to the Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump seminar in the city at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Now while I was there I really had a change in perception because I have always believed in certain things like that thinking positive is logical and while thinking negative is illogical but it wasn't until I heard that Tony Robbins that is was good to hear someone else who is a very accomplished individual say those words.

Now the while it is hard to stay positive it is even harder to stay positive especially when the people around you such as your friends as family try to bring you down. Now unfortunately for you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends.

Now at the seminar on the second day which was a 3 day seminar, Kim Kiyosaki got up to speak and she said something very interesting. Your need to make sure that your friends are very supportive of what you do. She has her own group of friends that are all entrepreneurial women and they all support each other and this is very important because staying positive is a lot easier when you have the support of individual than when all the people around you are negative individuals it's hard to stay positive.

Now while I am not saying you should abandon your old friends(well the negative ones) but if your around a group of negative people it might be good to find another group of friends that are more positive about what you do but sometimes negative people are just very insecure about themselves and they will possibly use the excuse of mentoring or possibly the excuse that they are just realists but keep in mind how can anyone know what your truly capable of. So many people in history have risen to greatness when they have been said that they will never amount to nothing listen Albert Einstein who's elementary teacher told them just that.

People who think they know everything and they know as to what extent your capable of doing something are arrogant and stupid as what sort of a moron would profess to know just what a person can do and how the future would unfold.

Now while I am not saying you should believe delusional things like you can fly and not listen to anyone who says otherwise(unless your possibly a mad scientist at which point you probably won't listen anyway) but what I am saying is that people who think being negative is logical are just plain dumb because what is the point of focusing on what you can't do or the negative when you get nothing from it. In life staying positive means forward motion and constantly improving yourself while being negative means living in fear and worrying about what could go wrong and doing nothing so you tell me which one makes more sense.

Let me reiterate this one to make it quite clear. If you think being negative is a sign of intelligence or logical then you are a dumbass. How can you possibly win in anything whether it is a chess game, romance, sport, finance or anything else if you believe your already going to lose before you start. Positive thinking is an intelligent and logical response to problem solving in anything it just makes no sense to be negative now while you should always be aware of risks well they can managed.

So just one more time if you think being negative is intelligent then your a dumbass. A stupid idiotic imbecilic dumbass. And by the way if you think that I am wrong then you should listen to Tony Robbins because he himself said that being negative is being stupid so if you disagree with me then your a dumbass.

Remember that "if it will be, then it is up to me".

By the way I just recently picked up my copy of The Midas Touch by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki and for $30 bucks it is an awesome read even if your not a entrepreneur as it's lessons on going what you want after in life are very important.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Check out this quiz

Which Martial Art Is Right For You?
Your Result: Ninjitsu
Known as the art of stealth, used among ninja’s and assassins. Ninjitsu is just as diverse a self defense as an art of offense. The strongest attribute, that is least recognized, is the ability to network and remain “underground” or hidden among the general public. Ninjitsu teaches to fight to win, not to fight for honor. Also teaching to fight as a last result, not on trivial matters such as pride, but to fight more fierce. Maybe recognized by many as requiring far more discipline, to withhold personal feelings or objections, in order to obtain a common goal. Ninjitsu consists of many techniques found in Karate, Ju-jitsu, and even Judo just to name a few, but is devised of a system of intricate guerilla warfare hand to hand combat. Ninjitsu also uses many pressure point techniques as well as weapons. Training may consist of boot camp style mentality as well as the average dojo setting.
Mixed Martial Arts
Tai Chi
Tae KwonDo
Wing Chun
Which Martial Art Is Right For You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why u should go to if you love hard rock and your in Melbourne

Hi everyone.

For those of you who don't know I love all sort of metal but I also love hard rock and am starting to like the band "Extreme" who play funk metal and hard rock music (funk metal sounds cool) but not to digress to far.

I just recently found about a venue called Back in the Day situated at the Portland Hotel that plays nothing but kickass hard rock tracks and there is a song on their home page that sounds so cool but I have no idea who sings it and even shazam didn't know which sucks so I had to keep on refreshing the page just to listen to the track over and over again (when i find a new track i really like i tend to listen to it over and over again so I can wear it in like you do with tyres lol).

If your looking for an awesome hard rock venue and you want to listen to real mens music and not the pansy emo rock (and you all know who I mean ) then you should check it out as they as it's on every Saturday and they even play Manowar tracks as well as ZZ Top so there is a pretty awesome selection of music.

So go to  so you can check it out for yourself as it's pretty cool.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watch out for fake christians and their stupid judgements?

OK, now while this may seem like a weird post there is a specific reason I am writing it so bear with me. I think i need to first explain what I mean. A fake christian is a person whom pretends to be righteous and acts as if they are decent people but whose actions speak in far contrast to their "supposed" religious beliefs.

These are christians who are christians in status only and what I mean is that they don't care whether or not they follow their religious dictates or not but just want to be perceived as being christians now normally I don't really care what people do with their own time and their is a parable in the bible which states "Judge not less thee be judged" which means is that if your a real christian your not meant to judge others so you shouldn't be judging others for making choices that are contrary to what you like it simply put isn't your place.

I believe in a live and let live philosophy and I believe if the world adopted this approach to life the world would be a much better place so for those of you supposed christians who want to judge people on the basis of race, creed or religion let me remind you that as Jesus said when the village wanted to stone the prostitute "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" unless you are completely free of sin (and you aren't) you shouldn't force others to adopt your methodologies or ideas.

Maybe you fake christians might want to stop focusing on others and instead focus on yourselves and what service you can provide to mankind and the lord by incorporating charitable works into your life and truly living your live for God instead of focusing on others so you can justify your fake christian ways of living your life's which is basically just doing whatever you want to do with your lives and then pretending that your christian cause faith just doesn't work that way.

If your christian you should act like one not do horrible things yourselves and then judge other for doing those same horrible things. That makes you hypocrites not righteous. Either be the real deal christians who truly live for God or buzz off with your stupid views about how a christian should live when your clearly not living those lives either.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why being good is hard but worth it.

Ok In this world I have always been something of an enigma to everyone else but that's because I believe I have a unique outlook on life.

In this world you are taught to follow these rules of conduct in everything that you do from business to romance to everything else really but it's funny and can be disillusioning to see people get ahead by doing the wrong thing and nasty things but that doesn't mean u have become a nasty person get ahead but it does mean that u must be willing to break to the rules and stand against the grain and normal stand conventions if you want to live strong, free and righteous life.

See the funny thing about society currently is that while there is a façade of civility deep down underneath it all the system is set up so that nasty people can win now when I mean system I mean the rules of society so in order to be nice and win you have to break the rules which takes strength and determination to do but once you set yourself free you will see what I am talking about.

So how do you set yourself free? Well I can't really give you specific advice but I can give you some guidelines and while yes some of these will sound sappy but you know what it doesn't matter.

1. Always follow your heart

Never try to change yourself for anyone else or for another group, don't do anything you don't want to do and never do anything because you feel you are forced to because that's what your social circle wants. This is one of the ways of breaking the rules, rules that bind your mind and your potential from being who your meant to be.

If your friends don't accept you for who you are then they really aren't your friends and it's time to go get new ones and trust me you will find them.

2. Don't be afraid to be a leader

Never be afraid to move your life or yourself in another direction. If you know what you want to do then go do it. Don't listen to people who tell you that you aren't good enough to achieve your dreams or your not good enough to date that girl.

You have a right to enjoy everything that life has to offer and to shape it to be what and nobody has the right to dictate to you who you should date and what you should do with your life and how you should dress. Being a leader means being able to venture forth into new things that others don't have the courage to and yes you have it in your capacity to be a leader.

3. Don't take crap from people

This is a very important point. Now while being nice is a good thing(well no it's great) you must learn not to be a pushover in life. If you want to be truly happy you need to feel strong and powerful in your life(don't get a big head though) and you can't be free and happy if people are pushing you around so my advice is to go take some martial arts if your a timid person (karate is really good) so you can develop that fighting spirit that you will need to carry you through the trials and tribulations that is life.

4. Stay healthy and strong

This is a very important point because it's hard to stay positive when you feel like crap. Now while I am not going to try and push on you any diet or particular training method cause everyone is different it is very important that you treat you body like a temple so it will carry you through the hard times. To this end a good amount of proper exercise and drinking enough water and eating enough fruits and vegetables is essential to staying healthy and providing your body with everything that it needs and pointing on muscle is never a bad thing.

5. Study books on strategy

Now while this might be a weird point to come across the study of strategy is an essential component to living a free life because you need to be able to think of plans to achieve your life objectives so it is imperative that you learn how to think strategically now while there are lots of books on the subject there are two main ones that I reread and are known and respected world wide. These are the art of war and the book of five rings.

Now while the art of war is a book on military warfare it's teaching are just as relevant to everything else in life and that is the reason it is studied by people from all walks of life including business people.

Now unless you have studied asian culture before it might seem very different for you but rest assured that this simple, short and easy to read book has golden principles in it that you will use well throughout your whole life so my advice is to read it

Now while I love anything to do with samurai's and ninjas there is a particular reason that not only I like but that is a very renowned book read by even non martial artists. That is because of the scientific that that it look at swordsmanship but that also applies to life.

There is one section that I really like that is in the Earth Scroll(A section in the book) that is called "Likening the Science of Martial Art to Carpentry" and the way of thinking presented should be how you apply yourself to the things you want to achieve in your life so I can't stress enough how this little cheap book is so useful.

Anyway to conclude I would just like to say that it is possible to still win in life and be nice you just have to be smart about it so never give up and always don't take crap from no one unless it's suits your purposes of course.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Power Quest has the power!!!

Hi everyone. I recently came across another band called Power Quest who are simply awesome. Can't get enough of this power metal but this stuff is awesome and kickass to.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Grey Knights

I love this video it's simply awesome.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Power Metal in Melbourne at the Esplanade was freaking awesome

Hi everyone,

I was at the The Esplanade Hotel last night to see my favourite Australian power metal band Black Majesty playing live and even though the schedule at the place was way off it was still freaking awesome. An awesome night with my awesome mates listening to some of the best power metal Australia has to offer. Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie Oi Oi Oi!!!.

If you love power metal and u live in melbourne then you should''ve been there. Shame on u if you weren't lol.

But seriously they were freaking awesome and it was so awesome just to be able to listen to the music live. Sort of motivates me to keep practising

Thursday, April 7, 2011

An interesting video on how the education system makes us think like sheep on a production line to the slaughter

Hi everyone,

Now while this isn't really relevant to self-help or to the metal stuff it is something I found while perusing the web and checking out the website which is an education advocacy group that basically promote further education for people and help with funding and that sort of thing so if your looking to further your education you should check them out.

Any ways this video actually reflects a lot of my views and also pointed out something about the education system is designed to mass produce mindless drones instead of allowing people to develop creativity, a positive attitude and free thought. Anyways watch this vid cause it's revolutionary:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ronaldo Vs Rémi Gaillard

Ok while this isn't exactly funny stuff remi gaillard is actually also a very good soccer player and can do some really incredible tricks with a soccer ball. Anyways look like ronaldo decided to take on remi gaillard in a showdown as to who can do the best tricks with a soccer ball. Anyways have a look you might be stupefied by the tricks these guys pull off with a soccer ball:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Can't wait to get my Grey Knights codex!!

I pre-ordered my codex about 2 weeks ago and I can't wait for the 2nd of April, It's gonna be so cool. I bought a custom painted grey knights army a while ago that I want to test out with the new codex so can't wait to get it. I wonder if you can still take guard in it though cause I use to love taking the leman russ in the daemonhunters army?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Clawfinger and Rise Against rock!!

Hey everyone. Now I know that while I have been talking a lot about power metal lately (and I am planning to talk about it a lot more) there are some bands that don't fall in that genre that I really love and they are both in the hardcore punk category(well rise against is melodic hardcore but it's still close) and they are Rise Against and Clawfinger.

Now while I didn't realise this when I first started listening to them they are both political bands(Clawfinger is also anti-racism which is awesome) that are about being positive (I have a theory about why people like certain types of music but I will leave that for another post) and I really love their music and have loved it for years (I was listening to them before I started listening to power metal)

Now Clawfinger lyrics are very intelligent (generally speaking ) and they tend to talk about some pretty useful things like their song called "Confrontation" which is not only really cool but talks about idiots who handle anger in the wrong way and why it's wrong anyways here is one my favourite songs called Out to get me from Clawfinger which is so awesome:

Clawfinger - Out To Get Me by raggalaggaff

Now we come to a band who I listen to even more. I have tons of their tracks and their music has inspired me more than any other band and that is Rise Against. Their music is powerful and positive. The vocals melodic are awesome to listen to. Their vocals are a lot cleaner (which is why their melodic hardcore) and they are the band that started me on the positive metal track and revolutionised my life. I owe their music a lot. Anyways here is there song The Long Forgotten Sons:

Rise_Against_-_Long_Forgotten_Sons by osemsedem

Sorry about the slow loading times of the videos but I had to get them from non standard sources due to the vids not playing on my site because of some stupid copyright crap.

Just started learning how to play the guitar again

Hi everyone, Years ago when I was 16 I used to take guitar lessons and I loved it. I only had lessons for 6 months but it was one of the few things in life that would never bore me so I practised like there was no tomorrow but after 6 months my guitar teaches was planning to move so he couldn't teach me any more and even though he gave me the number of another teacher I guess that I was too embarrassed so I sort of gave it up.

It's something that I sorely regret but no point living in the past. Any ways due to re emergence of my love for power metal I have decided that I will begin learning how to play the guitar again and will be trying to do it in the shortest time possible with the intentions of possibly starting a power metal /hardcore punk band cause I love both genres of music well more the power metal but some of my all time favourite bands like Clawfinger and Rise Against are hardcore punk (well rise against is melodic hardcore which I think it a sub genre of hardcore punk anyway).

So to that end I have started practising, I whipped out my old copy of Progressive Guitar Method - Book 1 Deluxe Color Edition and started playing the examples. I am practising lots in the hopes I can do this very quickly. After I finish that book and can play everything in it really well I am planning to get Progressive Guitar Method, Book 2: Intermediate and then finally after I finish that I can move onto the more fun stuff by getting Progressive Heavy Metal Techniques for Lead Guitar and also planning to get How to Play Metal Guitar: The Basics and Beyond (How to Play Series) as it had great reviews.

To that end I have bought an electronic guitar tuner from ebay so that I can get my strings to be in tune (as I used to rely on my guitar teacher to do that). I am still deciding about whether or not I should get a guitar teacher but for now I would just like to do it myself for now.

I also have a keyboard which appears to be used by some bands like Firewind so after I master the guitar my starting learning how to use the keyboard as well.

Oh by the way if any one has any ideas on how to speed up the learning process for my learning it would be appreciated. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why your health can affect how you think.

Most people seem to think that there is a separation(at least i am assuming) between physical health and mental health but the two are inextricably linked together more closely than you could imagine. If your a person who is naturally anxious and restless then weight training or martial arts or even boxing could be the best thing for you as they could be an outlet for your anxiety and tire you out so that you don't feel restless and so you can then then think clearly.

Even your diet can affect your mental attitude as eatings lots of junk food and not getting enough vegetables and drinking enough water can because if your body is running of a crappy fuel source and then so is your mind and your certainly not gonna feel positive if you feel rundown all the time now are you?

A decent diet and exercise are essential components to maintaining that positive outlook required to keep on pushing on forward in the game that is called life and going after your dreams. You need to right fuel to cross that bridge so I would keep an eye on what fuel you put into your own stomach.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Metal Is Forever

Hi everyone,

I have just come across another cool power metal band with an awesome vocalist who goes by the name of Primal Fear and this is a song called Metal is Forever and I LOVE IT!!!.

The vocal are awesome and it's got a good solid power metal beat to it which is awesome and the main singer looks tough which is always cool.

Anyways enough from me here it is:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Stereotypes Song

I just came across this weird video from Ray William Johnson who if you don"t know is like a famous youtube video guy anyway while it isn't really that funny but he definitely put a lot of effort into it so I reckon you should have a look at it:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ratt Rocks

I love Ratt. I started loving them ever since I played the game brutal legend which is you haven't played it you should cause it's awesome.

Anyways here's a couple of goodies from one of my favourite 80's bands Ratt:

Vanishing Point Rocks in Melbourne!!!

If you haven't heard of Vanishing Point then you were like I was about a week ago until I started looking up power metal bands that I could go see in Melbourne and what do you know I found a couple of beauties by finding this Database of Melbourne Power Metal Bands.

Now one of the bands i really liked was called Vanishing Power and this is their track "Surrender" which is just awesome. I can't wait to see these guys in person.

Saturday, March 19, 2011 has gone down and nobody seems to know what's going on

Hey everyone.

A mate of mine had a site about pictures of cop cars and ambulances hosted on and about a week ago he told me that it had gone down so I had a look and it's seems the whole site is down. I have tried to find out what it happening with it but there is no news and though the site is down I don't know who registered the domain so I wonder if it will go on sale.

Does anyone know anything about what's happening to

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Power Metal and why you should be listening to it?

For those of you who don't know I love power metal. Now if you wondering what power metal is then it is music like this from the band Firewind:

Now power metal  and epic metal is very different from your standard metals now while there are a lot of different types of metal with things like thrash (which is really fast) to heavy metal (stuff from the 70s like ozzy osbourne's band) to a whole other bunch of metals but power metal stands in contrast to these because power metal well pumps you up because it is fast (well the european stuff is) but has a good melody (which in my opinion thrash doesn't).

Now for me personally, the difference is the effect the power metal has on me. I used to listen to bands like linken park, garbage, rammstein, metallica and a whole whose of other bands like that which was mostly in the alternative category(apart from metallica) but i don't really listen to them anymore because i honestly don't feel like it because i have noticed that i only seem to listen to this music when i feel down (which isn't often) but the music you listen to actually shows how your current mental state. In fact i find that apart from power metal and epic metal most modern age music always has a negative connotation behind it and since i hate negative and love to be positive power metal is for me.

Now if you liked the power metal song above from Firewind (A greek power metal band) then you might like some of these two:

Now this is a power ballad but this is one of the most powerful power ballads I have come across and just to show why i love power metal and that's because it's not only positive but can be good for those who have just lost someone close to them:

The next band is Freedom Call and they are pretty cool. I just started listening to them a couple of days and I love their music as it's epic action music. It's so awesome. Check this out:

Now for something a bit heavier but a band close to my heart. They are called Hammerfall and I have been listening to their music for a while and this one is a classic to get you pumped:

Now for a taste of some of the best power metal(well more epic metal) to come out of America. This is definitely a harder sound and vocals but the lyrics are some of the most powerful lyrics and this is definitely the stuff you play when your boxing or training cause it's so cool:

Now there are lots more bands in this genre of music but I think this is good to start of with. By the way if you live in Melbourne like I do then you can check out a local power metal band who are pretty cool called Black Majesty who play awesome tunes like this one:

Since you people have now been educated in the fine art of power metal it is now up to you to spread the word so go my brothers and sisters. GO!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bloody Lonely Island at their best

I recently saw this video clip when I was watching one of the music channels (not MTV) on optus and it is absolutely hilarious, these guys are the guys who also sing the song "I just had sex" but this one is even funnier:

Winter's Verge Are Awesome!!!

I just found out about this band from my friend who seems to know a lot about bands in the genre of music that I have never heard off. This is Power Metal at it's best and they are a cypriate band and it's seems most of the best power metal bands apart from Manowar seem to come from europe. Enjoy this awesome track!

Why the music you listen to can have an effect on your mental state.

Now while I am not going to get into conspiracy theories about this stuff (like some people do and some political parties as well) I myself have found that the music I listen to actually affects the way I look at the world around me.

Remember that music affects us psychologically and the type of music that you listen to can actually affect how you fill and in turn how you perceive the world around you which in turn can make you into a pessimist or an optimist. Now while I like most of these genre's of music myself it's wise to try to stay away from them and substitute them for other types of music:

  1. Metal and Heavy Metal (The Satanic stuff which you should substitute with Epic and Power Metal)
  2. Gangsta Rap (Substitute with Hip Hop)
  3. Alternative (Well not all alternative but just the negative stuff)
Now while I myself occasionally listen to this music I have found that it causes me to feel bad now while this may not be the case for everyone you should be honest with yourself about this and even you may love some of this type of music just remember that if you listen to music that talks about shooting people and taking drugs your probably not going to have a very positive outlook on the world around you now are you.

Not saying to ban the stuff all together but just don't get to into it if you know what I mean.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Do you know what your worth in this world?

The answer to the above question is everything. You are as great or mundane as you choose to be in this world. If you want a better life but don't have one then that's because you haven't done anything to get it. But I am going off on a tangent here so let me return to the main topic.

A lot of people with confidence issues or individuals that are very negative are often like that because they have very little self worth. They don't truly understand what they are worth. True confidence comes from knowing what you are worth in this world and what you have to offer and what everyone should realise is that they are all worth something in this world even the shy ones.

So because of this you should never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve anything or that you aren't good enough when compared to anyone else. Even if the people around you don't tell you what your worth or even if they put you down you should always remember that you are stronger and better than what everyone else says. I you think like a champion then you will become a champion. It all begins with your mindset. If you think negative you will always have only see the bad things in life and if you think positive you will be able to see the possibilities and it's better to look at what you can do with this world than what you can't.

You are worth whatever you think your worth so if you want to make the people around you see what your worth you first need to make yourself see that your worth something.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yay, The Grey Knights Codex is almost out!!

For those of you who don't know I love Warhammer 40K. Something about epic heroes standing against the odds is pretty cool and it doesn't get more epic that the Grey Knights(Space Wolves are cool too) and i have been waiting a while for this as they were cool but you a bit underpowered since the new space marines codex came out but now there back and kicking and the codex looks like this:

I bought a grey knights army that was custom painted like last year so I have been waiting for a long time to field test them and now that the new codex is coming i think it's time for my boys to get back in town doing what they do best which is having epic battles with monsters like every knight should.

What to do if you have so much anger at the world and your life.

Hi everyone,

In my recent travels I have come across a lot of people that have hangups about life but this message isn't for those people. This message is for people who currently have so much anger and disdain at the world that they don't know if they won't to be a part of it anymore.

I myself used to be in this particular category because I myself lived like a hermit for such a long period of time due to certain reasons that when i snapped out of what I was going through which was around the age of 24 I felt like my life had flashed before my eyes and that the situation was now hopeless that I had already missed on too much of life to carry on. Now as you can probably tell this feel me with quite a bit of rage which is probably the kind of restrained anger of titanic proportions that's just waiting to explode.

Now there are numerous ways of dealing with this the first is obviously to go get psychological help and/or possibly talk to a friend and if that's the path for you then take it but for some that have so much pride that they would never ask for help I offer you an alternative path.

That anger may always be apart of you but it doesn't mean that you have to let it control you. I say to you focus on remaking you life on whatever you want to be. Learn to channel that anger productively like for example by going to gym and lifting the heaviest weights you lift so you get super strong or take up martial arts (I do both) like karate or kempo so that you learn to channel but also control that anger so can you can direct it properly.

Not only that I want you to do all the things that you have ever wanted to do in your life like if you wanna play rugby then go do it and start training, ever wanted to be a musician, then buy an instrument and start playing. Do the things you want to do in your life and channel that passion into those and if you keep doing this and finding something to enjoy your life you will shed your anger and your whole outlook will change.

Now I am not saying the anger will ever leave you but you can use it instead of letting it lose you. If you want to learn how to control the world around you and shape your life to be whatever you want it to be you must first learn to control yourself.

Remember that if you want to be happy and you do it's better to take positive steps forward than to stay where you are.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mario Kart 2 by Remi

This isn't a funny as the first one but it's still pretty cool.

Training with a log.

Hi everyone.

I recently purchased the book Ultimate Combat Conditioning For The Street Warrior of amazon(which I am still waiting for) and the front cover had a guy training by marching forward with a log on his shoulders and doing forward maching squats so I thought that it should be a great way to train. incidently I happen to have a log on had as we recently had the tree at the front of my house. Here's some pics of me and the log:

Hope this helps but I can't get it onto the back of neck so i'll have to figure out how to do this. But even marching for a small amount of time really gets the heart pumping.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Best Books on Boxing


I have just recently started boxing(got is as part of my gym membership) anyways even though I have never been in a boxing class before I have been practicing martial arts on and off for years and recently started doing kempo and ninjutsu but I have read many many books on the subject of fighting throughout the years and it was until about a year ago that I started looking into boxing. Anyways my strikes especially my right hook were awesome. All the stuff I had read and practiced at home worked a treat.

The reason for this is that my whole life I always stayed away from boxing because I believed that it relied purely on strength so that it would be the bigger man who would always have the advantage. Anyways about a year ago I witnessed a fight at a bar or somewhere I can't remember where. Anyways if you have ever done martial arts you are probably taught to do blocks and punches in a choreographed fashion but a real fight is never like that it always to guys coming in and throwing hay makers so I started looking for books on amazon on the topic of real street fighting and funnily enough a real awesome booked popped up that started my journey for becoming a really effective at self defense and being able to box appears to be one of those methods because boxing teaches you how to hit really hard and and if you have power you can end a fight very quickly as the longer a fight drags on the more likely you are to get seriously hurt no matter how good you are.

My All Time Best Books On Teaching You How to Box Properly Are:

This book began my journey in boxing. I still look at this book every week because it is complete in teaching you how to hit with power and it has taught me how to do this better than every other book I have every read(there is only one book that goes into more detail and it is referred to in this one!).

It teaches you how to throw the jab, straight, hook and uppercut with extreme power. It teaches you about the important of having the right footwork and given you examples of when they have been applied by the greats of boxing. It also has an incredibly good list of recommended reading. Basically if you get just one book on boxing then get this one.

This book is the best book ever written on how to hit hard. It goes into scientific explanations than anyone will understand on how to generate extreme power with your punches. Now it's no wonder that this book is so great considering that it was written by one of the best boxers of all time and a guy so good that when he was like 79 he floored two guys that were trying to mug him.

If you get this book and the one above that will be all you need to learn how to hit hard. Now this book is hard to find and if you have trouble finding it I can help you find a good copy at a good price. But you seriously need to read this book because like Ned Beaumont said it's like reading an essay by a guy with a PHD in knocking people out.

This is the follow up from Ned Beaumont first book. This one is great because it covers concepts about powerful hitting that are rarely covered by other books and martial arts classes and that is how timing and distance all come into play when if you trying to knock people out (which you should be trying to do anyway).

It also covers good defensive strategies that the first book didn't talk about and some weird punches that could come in use(but always really on the basics) in the ring or in a real fight.

I personally love this book but this is something more for advance boxers. For those of you who don't know champ thomas was apparently a very good boxer and while there is no record of him since Ned Beaumont gives him the thumbs up then that's good enough for me and after having read this book I love and am working on applying it's principles.

Now the main reason I love this book is because it teaches a snake like unorthodox boxing stance which the author calls the stonewall and that has been been successfully employed by boxers in the modern age like Floyd Mayweather Jr. The stonewall is awesome and stuffs a lot of people up and it's a natural defensive stance but you can still hit hard from it. It has some really good exercises for developing heavy hitting and goes into detail about how to stand and shows some new ways of throwing punches. Now while certain things in it are unpractical most of it is simply awesome.

Now you might ask what on earth is a book by bruce lee(who wasn't a boxer) doing here. Well the truth of the matter is that bruce lee was a very good boxing and that boxing was a very big part of what he did and if you look at the lead lead stance that he presents on page 35 it looks remarkably similar to the stonewall. Now while only about 1/3 of this book will be of use to you that 1/3 is worth it.

The reason I have always liked this because is because one I am a very big fan of bruce but I have always like bruce lee's fighting style. In the movies he had a very elusive but powerful way of fighting and that is represented in this box by his use of the feint and riposte. Bruce lees method of boxing was very much like a savateur or  fencer which is very good if your outside game is lacking.

Another book by the master. This book is great because even though it covers techniques which are considered illegal in boxing(like the backfist) the amount of detail that it goes into about general fighting strategy to the correct method of throwing the basic boxing punches makes it worth the while.

Like about the use of correct foot work, what is a stop hit and how does it work. What useful lesson from boxing and fencing(if you didn't know the jab was invented by a boxing named Jim Driscoll and he got the idea from fencing. In actual fact a jab is supposed to be how a fencer would fight without a sword. This book is massive at 300 pages and is very much worth the price.

There are others but these are the main ones that come to mind because I refer to them the most so hope you enjoyed this post and I hope this article helps you to improve your boxing skills.

Gman Signing Out

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best Audi Mechanic in Melbourne.

Hi everyone,

I myself, Got my first car about 2 years ago It's a 1993 Audi 80. Now while I got the car at a very good price I have had a crap load of trouble with it because I have taken it to bad mechanics who either didn't know what they were doing or overcharged me for their work. I won't go into details but it was Lube Mobile who overcharged me as they charged me $853 for labour on a heater core and Auto Dynamics in Cheltenham didn't use the right size of of either a nut or washer when they replaced the thermostat on my car.

Now after throughout all this debacle that I have had with my car there has been one mechanic who always gave a great quote with a great price and who always got the job done to my satisfaction and that is James from Audvolks ( This guy and the crew at Audvolks are amazing and there is no other mechanic I would trust with my Audi. When they fix it it stays fixed which is what almost every other mechanic has failed to accomplish.

Go James and Audvolks you guys are legends,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pushing Past Your Own Limits

Hi everyone.

It's funny but I have watched people and people often wonder why other people seem to get ahead of them in life, love and numerous other things. I myself used to blame everybody around me for the predicaments that I was I when the truth of the matter is that I was responsible for it. Now while it may be true that we may not create the problems(or perceived problems) around us, how we handle those problems definitely affects their outcome.

Often people do nothing because they don't think anything can be done or they may think that there is nothing they can do or that it isn't their responsibility to do something. I believe that in this world we are all responsible for our lot in life and even though there may be events that aren't your responsibility if you treat it like they are then you will be motivated to fix it as opposed to if you act like it's not your fault then you won't be motivated to do anything.

If you want to be able to push past your own limits then you need to accept the fact that your responsible for your life and that your fate is in your hands and that if your life sucks then it's your fault so if you want a better one then you should be doing something to get it. Join a gym, train hard, kick ass in your job and be all you can be.


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Strong and the Weak

I recently remembered an interesting quote whose source I won't reveal because it's too comedic but whose essence is just a true in the real world is the following:

"There a two types of people in the world. There are the strong and the weak. The strong cry against fate while the weak succumb to it."

What this basically means is that the strong don't believe in fate. They don't give in to despair, they don't care about what rules the world imposes on them(this don't mean you should sacrifice your integrity), they laugh in the faces of the nay sayers and threaten to ram their words down their throats. I like to think I am the strong.

Then there's everyone else and they are the weak(also called the sheep). They accept their lot in life. They believe in silly ideas like "men are always pigs", "nice guys finish last" and a whole bunch of other silly ideas. These people almost always think their realists but the truth is if you think about it these people bow down to the world's notions and how can anyone who submits to the will of others that are unreasonable ever truly be the strong.

Life is about exploding towards your goals whatever they may be with faith and fire like a cannonball exploding through a castle wall. Don't let the nay sayers keep you down and go after what you want but just don't sacrifice your integrity to do it. The ultimate test is to get what you want without giving in to temptation.

So when all is said and done which are you? The strong or the weak.

Gman Signing Out.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Inspirational Nelly Song

Hi everyone. There is inspirational song of this album called Heart of a Champion. I tried to have the youtube video but youtube won't let me embed onto my blog. Anyway checkout the song as it's awesome.

For those of you who feel you have something to prove

In this world. There are sometimes people who feel inadequate for whatever reason and people deal with that inadequacy in many different ways. Some people don't talk about it. some people don't think about but then there's the others who instead try to prove that they are something that they're not to everyone else around them.

The link to this pdf is for the last group. You have nothing to prove to anyone in the world but to yourself. Proving_Yourself_PDF

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is like the most inspirational speach ever. Arrrgggggghhhhhhh!!

Hi everyone. This little beauty is so inspiring it makes me want to use it for rugby. If this speech doesn't inspire you then nothing will.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Funny Vids

Hi everyone.

I just though I would should guys a funny movie review of the movie "Up in the Air" that me and a mate did a while ago enjoy:

Getting into shape for rugby

Hi everyone,

I have decided to get my body into strong enough condition to start playing games of rugby. I want to compete at something and rugby seems like a good hard and rough sport. Those guys seems to be in great condition as well so I thought I should get into that kind of shape. I train at a gym and the cool thing about that is they write up a program for you based on what you want to achieve and for me initially it was the ability to throw faster punches and kicks in martial arts but after I went they I discovered that apparently I have really bad cardio but I am very energetic and technically have the body of a 23 year (which is cool because I am 27). So I started training full pelt. I have really been enjoying their training program as it combines both hard and soft training and the grinder is a killer.

I do kempo 2 days a week and ninjutsu one day a week and I also train at the gym and my health appears to be greatly improving but I want to compete in something so that I can push myself to the limit and I think rugby would be great. So I am going to go back to the gym next week and get them to right me up a program for rugby. I also bought the book Complete Conditioning for Rugby (Complete Conditioning for Sports Series) of amazon (always check out as well as they sometimes have better deals when finding books) because it had really good reviews so I can't wait for it to arrive and then start training hard.

It's gonna be sweet. Remember people. Life is about pushing yourself to limit. Always seek to better yourself in everyway shape and form and push to be the best you can be. It's like bruce lee said "When you reach the top of a mountain climb yet another".

Gman Signing Out

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! Yay 2011

I am so happy with the new year. This year is gonna be a fun year for me. I am planning to keep training at the gym. Keep doing my shorinji kempo and ninjutsu and also possibly look into the possibility of playing rugby as someone told me that I would be good in the wing position.

Gman Signing Out

People need to harden the F up!

I just want to begin by saying that there are so many wimps in this world (yes you to emo's). In Australia I come across lots of people who are depressed about their lots in life but seriously people living in Australia are blessed because they don't live in a war torn country so unless you live in a war torn country you shouldn't be complaining. If your unhappy with your lives you should do something about it. People need to realise that we are all responsible for own lot in our lives because while yes bad things happen the question what are you doing about it to change it.

Now I'm not talking about people who have serious health condition because obviously that's not people's fault (well not mostly anyway) but apart from the above exception if a guy like Nick Vujicic can find a reason to push forward (He's bloody awesome and a crusader to) then everyone else has no excuse(check the vid

Peace people and stop hating and stop being depressed and start living people.

Gman Signing Out.