Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Can't wait to get my Grey Knights codex!!

I pre-ordered my codex about 2 weeks ago and I can't wait for the 2nd of April, It's gonna be so cool. I bought a custom painted grey knights army a while ago that I want to test out with the new codex so can't wait to get it. I wonder if you can still take guard in it though cause I use to love taking the leman russ in the daemonhunters army?


  1. Hey Gman,

    Hows that codex worked out for you? GK's have one of the best back-stories of all the chapters, but some people don't like the new stuff.

  2. Hi Andrew,

    I love the new fluff personally. See my favorite army in Warhammer fantasy is bretonnia caused i am obsessed with epic heroes and knights so the thing i really like about the grey knights when they first came out what that they were sought of like medieval knights but now that's since they have really played on that i am loving it.

    Tactically speaking i like how u can take transports for your grey knights now because not being able to take them before was a pain. I love how u can now take daemonic weapons so your radical inquisitors can actually be radical but i defenitely don't like what they did to daemonhosts though it's an interesting change but i liked them better before.

    The new codex and how u can't take the guard anymore (and no more leman russes) has certainly changed things cause i used to take guard units and a leman russ to deal with horde armies and for long range anti-tank support but overall i feel that the new codex has far better delved into the grey knights and given them an even more unique style so I am eager to test it out once i get my codex and by a few new units.

    Overall i like the new codex though. So how about yourself. What do you think of the new codex.
